To pay by bank card is the simplest and safest way. To insure the security of your deals, your banking payment can be made by PayPal or PayPlug on secure servers, without necessity of create an account.
PayPal allows you to pay your order with or without creating an account, when you choose PayPal, you are redirected towards the website where you can enter your personal information which will be coded to insure the safety of your purchase. In the situation where you already have a PayPal account or where you decide to create one, you just have to connect yourself to complete your payment.
PayPlug is the fastest and most secure solution to pay your order. You don't have to create an account and your information is treated by their secure server in a free and immediate way.
In the situation where you choose to pay by bank transfer, you have to confirm your order to obtain our account ID. Your order will be sent from the reception of your transfer. Do not forget to inform the reference of your order in the title of your transfer.You have to know that according to your bank, the deadline of your transfer can be 5 working days, which can entrainer a longer treatment.
In case of question or of problem concerning your payment, do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you with pleasure!
Send us an email
You can find your invoice in your customer account with your number of order. If you do not have a customer account, contact us by email in by specifying your number of order and we'd be happy to provied you.